I’m Still Alive!

I have braved Yorkshire and so far I am surviving. I know you were all worried about my safety (and if you weren’t, why weren’t you?!) but so far nothing bad has happened to me. Still got all of today and tomorrow but hey, it’ll be fine…

So what did we get up to?

Well there was a lot of drinking. I’d say that was probably the primary focus. No, I guess that isn’t quite true. The main event was watching the cage fighting (professional, not just a makeshift ring in a field) because Gary (the guy I’m visiting) has a few friends who are MMA fighters. I’ve never gone before and although it took me a while to understand it I did enjoy the experience. More on that later when I’m uh, less hungover (I’m actually not hungover…I’m just feeling lazy).

But yes, lots of drinking. No idea what else we are doing. Maybe see a film or something.

Anyway I just wanted to give you a heads up, in case you were ready to call the emergency services or something. So, uh, don’t.

Oh one more thing! I officially got the job yesterday after an hour of running around the place trying to get everything that I needed. It looked like they were going to deny my proof but thankfully it was accepted (as you can imagine I wasn’t too impressed at the prospect of having to wait longer). So I start first thing Monday morning!

And I get home at 11pm on Sunday! Yay!

…that is going to go well isn’t it?