Bemidji Pictures

So Vanna and I had a good time in Bemidji. We saw her friends, had a look around, took some pictures…nothing special but we’re glad we went. Here’s a brief run-through of our three days in the “First City On The Mississippi” (even the cops have it on their cars so it must be true).


Got up early and started the journey north. Took us a couple of hours, so I entertained myself by taking pictures. You can see them here if you haven’t already. If you really love roads it is worth checking out. Just saying.


Once we got to Bemidji we met up with our friend Sharissa, and she took us out to lunch at an Irish pub. It seemed fairly authentic to me. I had a “Messy Molly” which is a vegetarian sloppy joe sandwich. Was rather nice.

Later on we headed back to Sharissa’s place and chilled out with some wine. I watched State Of Emergency, a very impressive zombie apocalypse film which I must admit I enjoyed more than The Walking Dead and, for a better comparison, World War Z.  No well-known actors (at least not to me), but it was very, very good.

*I’ve watched a lot of sci-fi films on Netflix lately, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by most. I’ll try to review them all soon*


Spent the day with Vanna’s friend Liss and her room-mates. My accent got some attention, but other than that it was a relaxing time (I am very self-conscious about my accent here, especially when we’re buying things or in the presence of strangers).


Thanks to a missed text, our plans to watch Sharissa at a dance show fell through. Instead we hung around her house until she came back (oh, and I watched my football team win 3-0 which was nice…Chelsea are top of the league now), and then headed out. We spent a few hours in downtown Bemidji checking out the shops, before finishing up by Lake Bemidji and the big statues of Paul Bunyan and Babe.

Naturally, I took pictures. Enjoy!

The view from Sharissa’s driveway
Where Sharissa’s car got stuck
Looks like we’ll be walking on the road then
Sharissa and Vanna
Downtown Bemidji is a happening place
The Bemidji council (or whatever they call themselves) commissioned local artists to brighten up every street corner. Pretty cool, huh?

There’s me for a size comparison

And that was about all we had time for. It was getting cold and dark (my hands were numb and the pictures were blurry), and as Vanna and I had an early start on Sunday, we went back to Sharissa’s. Once we’d packed up and had a quick nap, we then said our goodbyes and left.

As I said at the beginning of this blog post, nothing amazing happened while we in Bemidji (no fireworks or big parties for example), but that’s not what we made the trip for; we came to see our friends and that is exactly what we did. And I saw Bemidji for the first time too. So it was successful weekend as far as I’m concerned.

Back to the present, and nothing much is happening. Vanna is still suffering from her wisdom teeth removal despite the concoction of drugs she is on, so she’s sleeping the pain off, while I’m waiting for the football to start at 2pm (8pm back home). Very exciting…

Speak to you later,


P.S Ah yeah, it’s my 22nd birthday tomorrow. So if you all want to pitch in and get me something…it would be appreciated. Doesn’t have to be anything special…I’m happy with anything. Preferably cash, but uh, I’ll let you decide.


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