New Goals, But Not For The Blog…

Howdy folks,

So my new year resolution to blog once a month failed quite terribly, didn’t it? Making any goals was a bad idea; I also haven’t written much in general, or exercised…or done anything other than work, play gears and sleep. In fact, I’m only posting this now to announce that, instead of maintaining this facade/effort to post regularly, I’m putting the blog on an indefinite hiatus for the unforeseeable future.

Yep, basically a big, undetermined length of time break. Admittedly, this can’t be much of a surprise given the rarity of my posts, but it was difficult to say this.  A small part of me constantly nags at my subconscious that I haven’t followed up on topics as I had planned, and that I should put in more effort to get a post uploaded here. After all, the things I’ve referenced or alluded to in previous posts continue to be things I want to talk about; I just simply haven’t been able to muster up the time nor the energy to do so. And as I can’t see that changing any time soon, with a heavy heart, I concede defeat.

Now, what does this mean going forward? In truth, nothing much will really change. The blog will continue to exist on the internet and I will post infrequently; not to reveal too much, but there are big events happening this year and I hope to discuss them at length. I’m only making this announcement so you don’t expect anything from me (assuming that is, you haven’t already moved on to other matters). By announcing this hiatus, I essentially don’t feel so guilty for not posting every month.

Also, and most importantly, my priorities have changed since 2016. Writing continues to be the long-term goal, obviously, but my big target is to get into the competitive gaming scene for Gears of War 4.  I’ve wanted to be part of the Gears pro scene for a long time, and right now I’m in a team that has the potential to make it happen. This is realistically my last chance, so everything else has to be put on the back burner while I put 100% towards this goal. Then, if I fail, I can at least say I did everything I could. And if I don’t fail, well then it was worth it, no?

Besides, I have all my adult life to write. I will never forget about my book – I think of it often – and I will finish it at some point. But for now, my thoughts are focused entirely all on Gears. Let’s get it!


Oh, before I go, I would like to say that I really do appreciate all of you who have read my posts, either now, in the past, or in the future. I’m glad you were here with me when I shared my first experiences in the US, plus my life in the UK, and I hope that you’ve enjoyed my musings during this epic journey. It’s been a fun 6 years, guys.

Until next time.




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