Christmas Is Coming…

Yes I know it is only November. Yes, I know that technically Christmas is always coming once you reach the 26th December, and those of you with families do not need to be told about preparation. And yes, I know that this seems like it could potentially be a positive/cheery blog which goes against my usual mindset so you’re thinking this must be a trick but no, it isn’t a trick because I got paid today and regardless of how the day panned out I was going to be happy. It did not matter what people said to me, or did, because I simply did not care. To quote the immortal words of Mr MC Hammer, you “can’t touch this”. So, uh, yes, be pleasantly surprised as today (appreciate it!) I’m not actually going to complain. Yeah!

So why the Christmas talk? Well it is on the horizon after all, and in our staff meeting we discussed the Christmas plans for work, which then reminded me that we’re heading into December and made me realize that there are only a few weeks to get things sorted and I really should get my backside into gear.

As a result I decided to go shopping this evening, which is why the blog is being posted so late (sorry) and try to pick up a few things as soon as possible. Obviously I can’t say too much about what I picked up in case a certain somebody listens in and finds out. Let’s just say it was a rather successful trip and hopefully my gifts will be well received on the 25th (don’t open them early, you!). Still a few more things to get but not a bad start. Time is running out (Airmail has to be taken into account) so I felt I should really make a start as soon as possible.

Oh and Vanna, I know you’ll have read this so I’ll point out a few things. First of all, don’t get your hopes up (the template disclaimer to prevent disappointment as I know Vanna will want more) and second don’t ask me about what I’ve got you. You won’t get an answer so don’t bother. You’ll just have to wait and see, my love.

In other news, because some higher force doesn’t want me to hoard my money like I usually do, it is my dad’s birthday this Friday. Yes, the same day that we are moving house. Why? I honestly don’t know. Is it a celebration?

Anyway I decided to get something for him as well while I was out (I’m generous like that). So dad, in case you are reading this too (the problem with telling relatives about your blog is that you can’t bad mouth them without them knowing), I offer you the same disclaimer as I did to Vanna (granted, you do have lower standards so it isn’t as tricky to get you something – socks and chocolate would probably do – but I’ll mention it anyway) and also state that yes, I did remember it was your birthday without any notification from a relative. See, I do care!

Have a good day old man, and you’ll get your prezzie when you wake me up on Friday morning. And just for you, I’ll actually help out with the move and you know, pull my weight and contribute to proceedings. I can’t say fairer than that, can I?

Right I’m going to rest now. Spending two hours in a shopping centre isn’t really something I particularly enjoy (tired from work, crowds of people, going into shops I’m unfamiliar with, spending just isn’t me), so I hope the parties who will benefit from my excursion appreciate the effort. I even asked people who work in the store for help. And I never do that.

So just bear that in mind, eh?

Maybe when you’re getting me presents or thinking about treating me. You know, if you are feeling generous or something.

Don’t worry about it though. I’ll remind you again sometime.

It’s the least I can do.