Tag Archives: Battlefield 4

Goodbye Again!

In less than an hour,  I’ll be on the train to York to visit my friend Gary (plus a few others) in Harrogate. Unlike my other journey in November, I’ll only be on the train for a thankful two hours instead of six, so I didn’t have to get up super early this time. And if I’m quick I might even shorten that time by getting the early second train, which not so thankfully comes a minute after mine from Durham.  If not, I’ll have to wait thirty minutes for the next one, which is particularly annoying given that train takes ages (forty minutes!), stops everywhere and is always busy.

But, uh, except for my discontent at the train system, I am excited for the trip. It’s been a year since I last saw my Yorkshire buddies (and that was Alton, which wasn’t exactly…great), so this has been a long time coming. And I’ve planned it perfectly with the launch of the Xbox One, meaning I’ll get plenty of time trying out the new generation of Xbox this weekend. Looking forward to that. Gary has a nice selection of games too; Fifa 14, Call Of Duty Ghosts, Battlefield 4 and Forza 5. Not bad at all. And As I won’t be buying the console until I’m in America permanently, this signals my only chance to watch it for…well, potentially quite a while. I’ll make sure to do a little review when I get back, especially as I never managed to get round to blogging about it before…ahem.

Uh, what else? Well naturally there’ll be lots of drinking going on, perhaps a nice meal, joking around…you know, a typical lads weekend.

As a result, I won’t be blogging until Monday, but Vanna might step up in my absence. But I am bringing my camera, so if we do venture somewhere, I’ll make sure to take pictures of whatever it is I see. No guarantees (it is Xbox One launch weekend after all) but I’ll see what I can do. Failing pictures of interesting things, I’ll photograph Gary’s supposedly magnificent beard that he’s been growing over the past couple months. So you know…that’s something to look forward to. It’s probably more impressive than my attempt at ‘Movember’ (or no shave November, whatever it is called) anyway.

*I would have a picture here, but it turns out my webcam on this laptop is broken, and my camera is packed. Uh, I’ll get one later*

…Well, I should probably go. I’ll speak to you on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend!
