Alex Bought Me Presents

Alex bought me really awesome presents and paid a fortune to send them to me.

The gifts suited my personality perfectly and some were very expensive and nice quality.

He is such a wonderful fiance and I am so fortunate to have him.

I would go into detail with all that he bought me, but the list would be overwhelming to most of you, because the number and quality was superb.

So here were my top 3:

-Wool/Angora Scarf with matching mittens

-Thornton’s assorted mint chocolates (two boxes.. which wasn’t enough because I already have eaten them. I love mint chocolates.)

– Amethyst necklace. It’s absolutely beautiful and twinkles in the right light. And the chain is silver so it doesn’t make me break out like cheap metals do. (good call, Alex. Good call.)

The other presents were just as wonderful but I am going to limit my boasting to those three.

Thank you my love.

Scrooge? Me? Nah…

Wow. According to my Power Rangers Advent Calendar, it is the 21st today! You know what that means; There are only three more chocolates for me to eat before it’s Christmas!  The day children have been desperately waiting for since…well, last Christmas. And even parents, despite the associated dread of finding the right presents, trying not to blow all their savings in one day and getting everything ready for the family dinner which will inevitably conclude in a game of ‘where’s Grandma gone – who’s lost Grandma?’, are looking forward to Christmas because seeing their children happy will make everything worth it…even if they do spend the rest of the afternoon trying to find Ethel before she wanders off into a field or something.

And even teenagers, with their love of Santa and all things magical disappearing faster than those mince pies that were “left out for Santa”, still have something to enjoy; alcohol. They’ll still get some clothes, perhaps some games or perfume or whatever else they demanded from their parents, but now with the added bonus of being able to get completely off their faces. Who cares about missing the traditional family sing along when you can share a bottle of Vodka with your mates?

Exactly. Christmas appeals to everybody except the misers, the homeless and the loners. Oh and me.

What? No, I don’t count myself as a loner or a miser. How very dare you. And I’m not homeless…yet.

Anyway, this is probably the first Christmas that I’m struggling to be even nonchalant towards. I reached the point where I didn’t care a couple of years ago, but there has still been plenty to keep me going. I had presents, I weighed less because I hadn’t met Vanna so I could pig out and there was decent television (well, decent by Christmas television standards). And we had a season ticket to Sunderland so we had a football game to watch on Boxing Day (the 26th, Americans) Then last year, Vanna was with me so that was obviously a great Christmas. Even doing nothing is better when you are with the one you love, you see. Even if she won’t blog about how amazing your presents were this year (take the hint Vanna!).

But what do we have going on this year? Not a lot, in all honesty. Obviously doing family things will be nice but it won’t be the same without Vanna and/or presents. Not that I want anything mind; when there is something I want I’ll buy it myself rather than wait, which according to Vanna, makes me very hard to shop for. And I’ve already had several big things bought for me this year so it would be unreasonable to ask for more. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t enjoy unwrapping something. Nor can I bask in the glow of Vanna’s happiness at the presents I got her because she’s already done it and besides,  it doesn’t work  as well when you’re living on opposite sides of the world. Mind you, even if we were together I can’t expect much as she won’t even boast about the gifts to strangers! I can only give so many subtle hints Vanna…

So what do I do this Christmas? I can’t play Xbox Live like I did last year because that requires a decent internet connection and we don’t have that yet, I can’t tease Vanna because I can’t Skype and I can’t drink because doing it alone is just tragic. Meanwhile I’ll be reminded of other people’s exciting plans through social media or by text, which will make my insignificant day worse. It’s not like I can just enjoy the day off because I stopped working over a week ago. I’m used to sitting around doing nothing already. Where’s the fun in it?

True, I could go to the pub or make plans for the week but to be honest, I can’t be bothered (Yes, if I’m not willing to do anything about my Christmas boredom then I can’t complain, but when has that ever stopped me?). Anyway,  now that I’m living in Durham going somewhere to see people I know will just incur various travel costs and cause me several headaches trying to figure it all out. And ultimately, I can’t be bothered to be a social drinker because it means I have to be, well, social.

So, my question is, can we just not bother with this next week? Please?


Merry Christmas Everyone.


Make my Christmas a merry one by buying Vanna a plane ticket to see me over the holidays. No? Oh. I see. Well it was worth a try.