Home Alone…Again

The folks are away again, can you believe it? Only for a few days this time though (they’ll be back Monday night), down in sunny Manchester (according to the forecast it actually is). Not that I’m begrudging them the trip, as it is their anniversary today. Congratulations guys, hope you have a wonderful time. I think Sue has taken her camera, so I’ll see if I can pinch some pictures again for the blog; as somebody who hasn’t been to Manchester, it will be at least interesting for me to see what a small area of it looks like. But, yeah, enjoy yourselves!

Of course, them going away means I’m in charge of Splat again. Despite all our bonding time the other week (I let her sleep in my room, gave her treats, offered her lots of attention), she has completed ignored me since they returned. She came through once and went straight to the window. No interest in seeing me whatsoever, which was somewhat mean given how well I took care of her. BUT I’ll rise above this horrible snug, and treat her nicely again. I won’t hold a grudge.

Any other news? Well, there isn’t really any other news. Still looking for work (temporary jobs are hard to find at the moment), still planning Christmas with Vanna (fiancée application went through, about to begin stage two), still writing (had a blip last week but getting back on track now), and still xboxing, reading and watching the football…nothing unusual, really.

I would like to draw your attention to a few things, however. First of all, a link to the short story I uploaded on Friday, in case you haven’t seen it already. I’ve played a lot of Fallout 3 lately (might be a post on that sometime soon), and there is something about those nuclear apocalyptic wasteland environments that really inspire me (very cheerful, right?). Mostly, The Survivor was just a way to get the creative juices flowing, but hopefully you enjoyed it. It’s something I should probably do more often, so if I like what I write, I’ll put it up here.

The second thing I want you to look at, or listen to, is a band I’ve been obsessed with lately. They’re called One Direction, and I have to say…

Nah, only joking. Actually, the band I’m referring to is Light This City, a melodic death metal band that sadly disbanded a few years ago, but still managed to produce four albums first – two of which I own – that are amazingly good. I don’t usually promote bands here, especially not ones that use guttural vocals as I appreciate others may not enjoy it like I do, but today I’m going to make an exception.

Why? Well, what really won me over with Light This City are the lyrics. I really enjoy reading the words in songs (because that’s the kind of guy I am, ladies) and I’ve been blown away by their songwriting. Light This City’s songs are far and away the best I’ve heard lyrically, which given some of the other bands I like (Metallica, Trivium and In Flames to name a few), is quite an achievement. All their songs deserve a mention, but I’ve posted the lyrics below to The Eagle (influenced by Lord Alfred Tennyson), as well as an video embed.

Let me know what you think.

The Eagle by Light This City

He clasps the crag with crooked hands
Deformed from gripping the rock so tight
Close to the sun in lonely lands
But the wax never melts from his wings
Ringed with the azure world he stands
Emperor of the sky, lord of the ocean
The very image of a king

His outstretched feathers overwhelming the sky
And his innate pride to lead
Suggest power, not modesty
But he never kills without consuming
And though he is always watchful of his surroundings
As he skims the surface,
I suspect he doesn’t realize the panic
His shadow induces
In the hearts of the creatures underneath
The overflowing surge of relief
They feel as he revisits
His distinguished position on the cliff
An immense wall of stone
Taking the place of a diamond covered throne
A shining ocean instead of a glittering palace
To signify his status

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls
Tiptoeing past the sentient, piercing eyes
He watches from his mountain walls
His mind once again boundless in flight
And like a thunderbolt, he falls
Racing heart, never a doubt
Or glance behind

His outstretched feathers overwhelming the sky
And his innate pride to lead
Suggest power, not modesty
But he never kills without consuming
And though he is always watchful of his surroundings
As he skims the surface,
I suspect he doesn’t realize the panic
His shadow induces
In the hearts of the creatures underneath
The overflowing surge of relief
They feel as he revisits
His distinguished position on the cliff
An immense wall of stone
Taking the place of a diamond covered throne
A shining ocean instead of a glittering palace
To signify his status

Guided by instinct, his conscience remains unburdened
Never having to reflect within,
He focuses relentlessly on the outside world
He manifests the answer to the oldest mystery
The meaning of life
Nothing more than just
To live