Tag Archives: Canterbury

Canterbury Pictures

Photography On The Citadel

Great news yesterday right? After a slow start, things are starting to move on nicely with the fiancée Visa. A little bit nervous about what’s going to happen, but otherwise I’m feeling positive for the future. The sooner I can move over to America, the better.

Anyway, Canterbury. Last weekend I went to see my friend Abbie while she was on holiday from university (it’s called a reading week, but essentially it’s just an excuse for a week off from work), and had a wonderful time. We didn’t do a great deal (mostly we watched awful films, which I’ll talk about later) but we did visit Canterbury’s centre on the Friday and Sunday.

Canterbury, quite honestly, isn’t the most exciting place in the world. Lots of pretty buildings, but unless you want to shop, pray or experience poor customer service, you’ll be bored after a few days. I think…

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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody. If you’ve got plans, have a great time! If you are like me and don’t intend on leaving the house, well uh, enjoy the rest of your Thursday. I can’t say I’m a big Halloween fan (I think I’ve only gone trick or treating twice) but I’m not one of these people who hates it either. Perhaps when I get to America, where it’s really originated from, I’ll be more festive. For now though, I’m feeling a bit ill (low blood sugar I think…maybe I should go trick or treating!) and just want to spend the night doing nothing. I have to be up early tomorrow so it’s probably for the best I don’t have plans. Urgh. 6am is not a fun time.

Anyway, that doesn’t matter too much because I have more good news! Following on from Tuesday’s purchase of our plane tickets, today Vanna and I received confirmation that our Fiancee Visa application has been accepted! We don’t know what this means exactly (hopefully Vanna will have the details soon) but it bring me one step closer to moving permanently to America. So far so good, and we’re both very happy about that.

In addition, I also took my preparations for this winter up a level with the purchase of a winter coat (thanks Sue!). I tried on about four or five, but there was only one that I really liked, nay loved. Super warm, thick hood, lots of pockets, an inner sleeve thing (stop snow going down your arm!) and it goes well past my waist. Perfect.

Sorry for the poor quality. I took a couple with my webcam, and by the time I realized they were awful, it was too dark for my camera.



So I’m confident that I’ll be prepared for the winter. Even Vanna, who is usually quite picky when it comes to things like this, was impressed with my choice. I can’t wait to try it out!

Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll get an opportunity any time soon as the weather here is mild…and that coat isn’t really suited to mild. Mild is not enough for that coat. So looks like I’ll be wearing my boring jacket to Canterbury. Damn.

Speaking of Canterbury, this will probably be my last post until Monday (providing the spiders don’t get me) evening. I’ll make sure to take plenty of pictures though, and I’ll let you know how it goes when I’m back. I’d get Vanna to post something this weekend but she’s away too…shocking isn’t it?

Right, that’s about it from me. Speak to you later.


Where Are The Men’s Mini Shampoos, Boots?

Boy, that title was a grammatical nightmare for me. But that’s probably because I have just woke up from a mid afternoon nap…I’m like an old person. It’s becoming rather troubling, if I’m honest with you…

ANYWAY, hello everyone. Today I had to do some shopping, as next week I’M LEAVING HOME! Only for a couple of days, but still, I need to be prepared. I don’t want a repeat of my last long weekend away, where I forgot my toothbrush and had to use my finger. *shudders* Awful. I don’t recommend it.

So, where am I going?

Well, next Friday I’m visiting my friend Abbie during her reading week. She’s at university Down South (you know, that huge area below Yorkshire). I haven’t seen her for months, so it’ll be good to catch up before my next America visit (hoping to buy my tickets soon, but more on that later!).

Now seeing Abbie is the main reason I’m going, but the trip is also a good blogging opportunity. Why? PICTURES! She lives in Canterbury, which by all accounts (I’ve never been) is a very pretty place with lots of old buildings and uh, interesting stuff (what, you want specifics? Go online…I’m not a travel guide!). Obviously I’ll have my camera and extra batteries with me. Don’t worry guys, I’ve got my priorities sorted.


But the trip to Canterbury is not the only exploit I have in the next month. I’m also going to see my mates in Yorkshire later in November. Again, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen them, so I’m looking forward to that. I doubt there will be any pictures for you guys though, as I’m coinciding my visit with a very important date; the release of the Xbox One.

That’s right. Gary, the guy I’m staying with, is getting his console on the Thursday I come down, so I’ll be right there to see what if it is as good as Microsoft say it is (I’m not buying one yet, for various reasons that I’ll explain at some point). No doubt we’ll have some drinks and go out on a pub crawl of some sorts too, because, why not? It’ll be like the Lads weekend, but longer and with no ridiculously expensive theme parks! Wahey!

So, today was all about getting ready for these trip. As I refer to in the title, I went to Boots (our version of Walgreens, Americans!) to pick up some much-needed toiletries. How needed? Well my deodorant has been wheezing at me for a few weeks now, so that was one thing that definitely needed replacing. I don’t know why I’ve been so reluctant to chuck it out and buy a new can. I suspect simple laziness and being cheap were the main factors, but I’m sorted now. No risk of me stinking up the place (hopefully).

The other two things I wanted were shower gel and shampoo. As I’ll only be away for a few days, it seemed pointless bringing two big bottles of stuff, especially when I’m only bringing my rucksack. So I looked for the travel size bottles. Shower gel was easy enough, but shampoo was a completely different story. Apparently, only women use shampoo on holiday because the only bottles I could find were incredibly feminine. I know nobody will see the bottle (I’m not going to start running down the train carriages shouting ‘look what I got’), and that it’ll do the exact same job as the man shampoos…but still, I’m a prideful person, people!

Well…I have some pride.

Of course, I’d be fine in Canterbury, but Harrogate…would you want several manly Yorkshire blokes to see your pink shampoo? No, no you wouldn’t. So Boots…think about us guys, will you? We travel too, you know! And some of us have hair that needs regular washing!

Eventually I did manage to find an orange bottle of something that on face value, looks sorta manly. It’s squarish…men like squares? I don’t know. In the absence of Head & Shoulders, it was the best I could do.

I also got a Gillette razor because I hate the electrical shaver I have. It’s awful. It just gives the worst experience ever. It doesn’t release the foam like it should, so I have to do it dry. And it is horrible. You have to go over stubble about five times for the shaver to get them, and long hairs are dragged around in the most excruciating way possible. I think when my eyes are tearing up, and my skin is raw red for hours after, I should probably try something else. My awful shaver is probably why I keep growing scraggly beards. The pain is always going to be bad, so I may as well prolong it. Tragically I end up using nail scissors for most of the job.

But yeah, excited for next Friday. Leaving super early in the morning…and I’m on the train for 6 hours…and it includes a change in London which I could do without (I hate London; too busy, too confusing, too sweaty)…but other than that I’m excited. It’ll be fun.

Of course, when I’m back home and write my blog, you’ll only hear about the inevitable miserable experience I have on the train down (and return! don’t forget about the return journey!), and all the things that annoyed me over the four days. But really, you should expect that now. There’ll be pictures though. They count for something, right?
